Winner Winner! HBC Logistics is a Proud Nominee Of The Regional British Chamber of Commerce Awards – After Already Winning The Rapid Riser Award For The Bedfordshire Region.
24/7 Sameday Delivery Experts HBC Logistics, have been recognised as a business in Bedfordshire that has demonstrated exceptional levels of growth with a strong plan for sustainable financial performance, all by the British Chamber of Commerce Business Awards 2023.
After attending the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Business Awards back in June, our disappointment was short-lived. As off of the back of the nominations from that evening, we were put forward for the British Chamber of Commerce Awards, specifically for The Rapid Riser Awards (Scale-Up Business of the Year)… and we WON for the Bedfordshire region.
We are also proud to announce that following our local win in Bedfordshire, we have been further nominated for the Regional awards, where we will compete against the other County winners across the East of England for the same category. These winners will be announced in just three weeks’ time. We look forward to keeping you updated on that one!
Nevertheless, for now, the team at HBC Logistics are overjoyed to represent the Bedfordshire winner in this award, as it supports and validates our business growth in the last few years. It has been almost a year since we relocated to Bedfordshire to our 62,000-square-foot warehouse facility and delivery depot, so it is brilliant to see that we are already making our dent in the area.
With more exciting times ahead, we have our fingers crossed for this award!